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Treasures for 'consequences'

The consequences God expresses against some sins will not be eliminated even if genuine repentance of the sin(s) is thorough.2 Kings 23:26-272 Kings 23sins, consequences, repentance
Sin may result in the loss of all one has accumulated.2 Kings 25:20-212 Kings 25cost, consequences, sin
Descendants of God-trusters may turn from God and thus forfeit under God's wrath all God did and gave their forefathers.1 Chronicles 5:20-261 Chronicles 5judgment, consequences, disobedience
God will take action (in His timing) against those who bear His name but are UNFAITHFUL toward Him.1 Chronicles 9:11 Chronicles 9unfaithfulness, consequences, backslide
Christ-followers should have fear and respect for God as the eunuch for his king NOT wanting to face the consequences for disobedience.Daniel 1:10Daniel 1:10consequences, fear God, disobedience
Those who sin greatly - having received grace and light - bring on themselves a potent, righteous response from God.Daniel 9:10-12Daniel 9:10-12judgment, consequences, disobedience
Those who know the LORD but ignore Him will find their life difficult and dissatisfying.Hosea 2:6-7Hosea 2:6-13consequences, unbelief, rebellion