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Treasures for 'accountability'

The servants of God need to be held accountable for managing the money entrusted into their hands for the LORD's ministry - doing with it as it is agreed.2 Kings 12:4-72 Kings 12ministers, stewardship, accountability
Those who reject or ignore God's Word spoken by His spokesperson will have to account to God for such.Deuteronomy 18:19Deuteronomy 18:19accountability, God's Word, Ignore God
Man is responsible to God and God's people for how he carries on sexually.Deuteronomy 22:22-30Deuteronomy 22:22-30Sexual Behavior, accountability
God will hold accountable His servants and children who make covenants or vows with Him.Deuteronomy 23:21-23Deuteronomy 23:21-23God's people, Vows, accountability
A servant of God must do what He ways He will do.Deuteronomy 23:21-23Deuteronomy 23:21-23God's servants, Vows, accountability
Each one is accountable to the population for his or her sin(s).Deuteronomy 24:16Deuteronomy 24:16Individual, accountability
A stewards is one given the responsibility to oversee - manage, operate, utilize, maximize - assets which belong to another to whom the steward is accountable.Genesis 39:2-6, Genesis 24:10Genesis 39:2-6Accountability, Responsibility, Stewardship
God wants Christ-followers to hold one another accountable for their behavior - and to confront properly (2 or 3 witnesses) those who sin and attempt to 'get by with it.'Detueronomy 19:15-21Deuteronomy 19:14-21Accountability, Social Order, Witnesses