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Treasures for 'Living'

Godly instruction can lead to godly living.2 Kings 12:2, Psalm 86:112 Kings 12:2godly living, teaching, living, righteousness, God's Word
Ministers of God can have influence on high government employees.2 Kings 12:2, Psalm 86:112 Kings 12:2testimony, teach, living, godly influence
The Lord instructs those that are His so that they can daily live in the way that pleases Him.2 Kings 12:2, Psalm 86:112 Kings 12:2please God, teaching, living, God's ways, application
A man who wants to live right should ask the Lord to teach him how to live.2 Kings 12:2, Psalm 86:112 Kings 12:2God's Word, teaching, living, leaner, spiritual insight
When one lives according to God's Word, his life will be kept pure.Psalm 119:9-11Psalm 119:9-11purity, God's Word, teaching, living, application, holiness
For one to truly learn of the LORD there needs to be a seeking by the would-be learner.Psalm 119:9-11Psalm 119:9-11learner, teaching, living, seek God, Scripture, teachable
Memorizing Scripture is an invaluable asset in guarding against committing sins.Psalm 119:9-11Psalm 119:9-11prevent sin, teaching, living, application, God's Word