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Treasures for 'Rewards'

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Those who do God's Word as a way of life will be rewarded.Proverbs 13:13Proverbs 13God's Word, rewards, obedience
Since all in Christ will be judged by Christ for rewards, all in Christ should have one aim - PLEASE THE LORD; and one message BE RECONCILED TO THE LORD.2 Corinthians 5:9-10, 20-212 Corinthians 5rewards, reconciliation, please God
In contrast to finanial gain, great or 'mega' gain is experienced as a Christ-follower walks in godliness - reverence toward, loving fear toward God - with his or her mind and heart satisfied IN CHRIST.1 Timothy 6:61 Timothy 6:6-8rewards, satisfied, Christ-followers
If a Christ-follower does ministry to be seen by others or receive the accolades of others, he will receive NO reward for that ministry from the LORD.Matthew 6:1-6, Matthew 6:16-18Matthew 6:1-18Rewards, Selfish Ambition, Vanity
God rewards - now or later - all who wholly follow His Word.Deuteronomy 1:36Deuteronomy 1:32-37Obedience, God's Word, Rewards
Profoundly significant and to be rewarded are those IN CHRIST who point others to Jesus Christ.Daniel 12:3Daniel 12:1-13Gospel, Rewards, Witness
Devotion to the LORD is good, right, and will be rewarded now and later.Luke 10:42Luke 10:42Devotion, Fully Devoted, Rewards
Those who follow (serve) Jesus Christ will be honored by God.John 12:26John 12:26Follow Christ, Rewards, Serve God