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Treasures for 'Future'

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God can and sometimes does SHOW His chosen ones a picture or movie of what is GOING TO HAPPEN before it actually happens - a vision.2 Kings 8:11-132 Kings 8revelation, vision, future
God is a God of future, of change, and of vision.Isaiah 4:2-6Isaiah 4:2-6future, Change, vision, God
The Holy Spirit knows the future.John 16:13-15John 16:13-15doctrine, Holy Spirit, teaching, discipleship, future, prophecy
When a parent disciplines a child, he is investing with real hope in that child's future.Proverbs 17:10, Proverbs 19:18, Proverbs 22:17Proverbs 17:10spiritual investment, training, parenting, future
God grants vision of His purposed future - whether they understand it all or none - to record for His people.Daniel 7:15-19Daniel 7:1-28Future, Revelation, Vision
God will bring down all idolatrous kingdoms and one day put them to an end UNDER His kingdom, the kingdom belonging to the Ancient of Days.Daniel 7:22, Daniel 7:26-27Daniel 7:21-28Future, Idolatrous Culture, Kingdom Of God